I updated my POF profile, made it public and left it there. I didn't get anything interesting the first day, and I admit I started getting impatient. I started looking elsewhere and considered joining eHarmony and Match and paying for it. I figured that if a guy is willing to drop some money in a dating service, he must be serious about looking. Then I decided I should give it at least a week, considering that new people join everyday.
I did a quick search of comparisons of websites and fell on okcupid

It had a feel for POF and match.com. I liked it for the fact that it has an extensive amount of questions you can answer for others to see if they answer it publicly also. It has a few different sections for information to fill out so as to give a viewer's head start on their background, life, likes/dislikes. I like it because I can put in as much information as I want and give the guy a chance to know about me before he can contact so to have something to talk about.
There are countless questions, so I actually had more fun filling out the questions than looking around. In the meantime, I've been exchanging emails with one guy who lives in Houston and has proven to hold my attention. The only thing I'm concerned about is that he has been a serial monogamist and has never been in a "relationship" longer than 2 months, and has been single for a year. My "shortest" relationship was that with Sebastian which lasted a year, so I'm hoping that didn't scare him off.
Our emails have gotten pretty long, but BEG is convinced that he's full of it. I told him he was probably just jealous to which he said "a lot of my girl friends say that. I guess I'm just protective."
Um... thanks?
Meanwhile, my dad is home for Memorial Day weekend and I am pet sitting a friend's puppy. Her name is Luna:
Awww, you and the puppy are adorable!