I can't even begin to describe how grateful and lucky I feel to have landed such a great apartment. My biggest fear was that I would land a crappy, roach infested, ghetto neighborhood first apartment on my way out the nest because of my budget. Instead, I got what has become Sebastian's envy. His apartment- just way better.
I'm going to have to brag because for the first time ever in almost...... 3 years, I am actually proud and happy about my well being. I seriously need a boost to my self esteem.
So welcome to my apartment:
As you walk in you will be amazed at the finesse of the vaulted ceilings that scream for the potential of owning a "projector." At least, that was Sebastian's idea. Yeah, I don't want to spend $800 on something I don't need.

The kitchen is white. Pristine. New. I even got so lucky as to get a window! The model they showed me didn't even have that! I felt extremely dumb when I noticed something weird on the kitchen stove. The burners were sticking out, and they seemed to be missing something. Sebastian took the liberty of connecting them and telling me I needed drip pans. Yeah, that's a good thing he mentioned it, else, I would have just turned them on and melted the stove

I have a dining room that I'm most likely never going to see. I can't exactly put a dining table unless I push it against a wall since the apartment is small (513 sqft). I have since decided not to clutter my new place and forego the dinner table. I'll have to figure out if I want to eat like an Arab (on the ground) or like a Japanese (on a low table). I might go American and eat with a dinner tray, plopped on the couch in front of the TV. See how convenient it is?

I have a patio with a storage closet where I've been storing all my boxes for when I have to move again. See- I'm already thinking of the future.
My bedroom has two gigantic mirrors. Oh fuck yah. I have so much storage space in there compared to the 6ft closet I had back at home. Everything was cramped in there, and some of my clothes never saw the light of day. Literally. Coming soon: Ikea dresser on the left hand side. The long curtain on the wall is actually for a small window I have there. All the apartments have super bright lights right outside our doors- which Sebastian and I found out after the first night.

Moving in couldn't be complete with the celebratory pizza. I don't know why, but there's something about pizza and moving that go hand in hand. That pizza was so delicious. I've never had any better.

I managed to make my first black mark on the main wall within the first 3 minutes of having my couch in the living room. Actually, it happened as Sebastian left me alone as he went downstairs to unload the truck. When he came back he exclaimed "Why couldn't you wait for me to help you move it??" "I was just too excited and wanted to do it before you got back!" I responded.
I had to go do some grocery shopping late last night because I needed to stock up on survival gear. I bought milk, bread and skillet meals, along with other stuff like frozen fruit, some canned goods (I have a tiny pantry) and top ramen- the emergency food.
Sebastian helped me out tremendously this weekend, and also took good care of me. I started developing cold symptons on Saturday night. My throat began hurting and my nose has been running non-stop since Sunday morning. I ended up catching Sebastian's flu from when I went to see him on Wednesday- all too aware that he was sick. There's no one to blame but me for that one. He made me tea a couple of times and let me rest and not overexert myself, though he too was still a little sick. He managed to move most of the large furniture on his own (coffee table, mattress, box spring, and dresser.) The couch we had to move together.
I need to go to bed. I'm not completely weirded out by sleeping alone yet, I'm ok for the time being. I'm really glad my mom didn't chime in when my uncle asked me during our bbq on Sunday if I'd been OK sleeping alone in my new place. I would have been mortified if she'd said that Sebastian had kept me company in front of my grandma.
Oh yeah...
and I have free cable too.
That rocks.
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