Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Houston, we have landed

My 12-day trip to Europe with the ex-turned-boyfriend-again finally came to a close this past Sunday evening. It was hard work and very tiring, but very well worth it and deserved in my opinion.

We started off easy and ended up much more exhausted. London was calm, clean and had respectful people. The Brits were courteous, well mannered and very helpful. Paris was dirtier, fast paced and very busy. Marseille was quiet and very relaxed. Rome was the worst. Rude Italians, dirty streets and annoying peddlers made me glad that it was the last stop before coming back. Saturday night, I finally began to feel homesick. The loud italian sex next door didn't make it any better either.

Surprisingly, Sebastian and I got along extremely well. We didn't fight at all and didn't get on each other's nerves either. I was very happy about that.

During this trip, I also turned 25 years old! It was a travelling day which left me having breakfast in France, lunch in England and dinner in Italy. Top that!

I'll be posting a couple of entries as time permits; for now, I'm catching up on my work and still need to go through all my pictures, and get the other half from Sebastian. But here is a sneak peak for your enjoyment.

Buckingham Palace, London:

Musée du Louvre, Paris:

View from Notre Dame de la Garde, Marseille

Colosseum, Rome


  1. Sounds like fun. Nice shots. Jealous.

  2. Ren,

    You're back!!! Congrats on a great trip. I was worried about you and Sebastian not getting on each others nerves. Glad you had a good time. Your photos are wonderful. I'm very jealous of your birthday what a great time.

  3. Sounds like you had a great time. Happy birthday too! Very Jealous must have been so awesome to be in 3 countries in one day.

  4. :)

    I've been to all those places, really nice, especially in Italy. Glad you had a good time with your boyfriend - traveling does draw you together, as it did with me and my mother over thirty times.

    Do you hate it too?
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going."
    Holy Holism!

  5. You just win a award...stop by my blog to claim it.
